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Pret Waste brief assets V2_Page_03.jpg

Other projects

Whilst at ITG, I worked on several other projects that didn't fall into one of the other categories on my website. These can be logo designs for brands needing something fresh for their audience or general collateral for hospitality. I have also inputted some designs and campaigns that I have worked on in my downtime.

Pret Global Content- Month Three Content

As part of Pret's global monthly video content, they use some of their fresh produce to create unique designs for example a pepper watering can. I worked with a colleague, who created a storyboard for this content, which I then took to turn the drawing designs into a real design with stock fruit photography. 

Pret Live Brief- Lunch box brief

This lunch box brief was something that I worked on in my spare time. I designed a mock campaign for Pret, where I created a packed lunch idea. This idea meant that customers could bring in their own containers and lunch boxes to fill food into which in return would reduce the cost of their bill at the checkout. This would be similar to the reusable cup idea that is currently in use and reduces plastic waste to the environment. For this campaign, I used Pret's brand guidelines for my designs so they would blend in with their other work. I also rolled out the designs across multiple assets for a widespread launch. The scamps created for these designs are placeholders for a "future photoshoot" that could happen. However, I do also like the designs as drawings but in future, I would build up the drawings with a few more details included. 

This campaign comes with its challenges, which I did consider whilst building my idea. Without the wrapping provided on meals, the allergy information would not be included, which would become an issue and potentially a lawsuit. To problem solve this,
I designed some business cards which would contain all of the ingredients and allergen information alongside a QR which would take you to the website with an online version of this information. These cards would be handed out to the customer as the employee boxes up their food.


This 16-second video showcases a Co-op animation that I created while working with the animation team for a week.
I enjoyed working on this, especially as it was one of the first full animations that I had created.

Greene King General Collateral 

These designs were made to share general information with the customers of Chef and Brewer. They included information about parking and contactless payments. I used old templates and the new brand guidelines to create these posters. On top of this,
I looked at the style of illustrations that Chef and Brewer use and created the tablet illustration showcased in the parking poster.

Macmillan Professional guide

This 16-second video showcases my Co-op animation that I created whilst working with the animation team for a week.

Logo designs

In my downtime, I was asked to create a logo for the Holborn Community Association. The organisation create opportunities for individuals, groups to thrive. After looking at their current website, I started designing a logo that tried to represent community and togetherness

Final logo that was used_edited_edited_e

The CO-OP young members group decided that they needed a fresh new logo that would be more appealing to the younger generation. A colleague and I designed a handful of options to share back with the client and they chose to use one of my designs which is shared above.

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