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– Improve development of research strategies, visual problem solving, and ideas generation.
– Develop your awareness and understanding of ‘Branding’.
– Improve your ability to manage information effectively & communicate to an appropriate target audience.
– Explore and experiment with a broad range of media and technologies.
– Develop an understanding and awareness of narrative
– Improve visual & verbal presentation skills.

Travel naturale

Travel naturale is a sustainable company that creates a luxury travel set for people to use when they go away. I felt as though there was a gap in the market for a useful set because most of the ones you can buy off the shelf are only partially useful with some items never used. They also mostly come in plastic packaging and therefore there is a need to make more eco-friendly sets. Travel naturale gives you the option to create your own set so it only contains items that you definitely need. The customer can also tell us the number of days that they are away so we can give them the correct amount so there is no waste. My shampoo and toothpaste designs are in cubes and tablets so we can send the right amount for what they need (for example, 14 toothpaste tabs for a 7 day holiday)

Click the link below to view website


I believe that my brand is needed because there are not many sustainable travel sets already out there so it is perfect for the increasing climate-conscious world that we're living in. I also believe that the idea that it can be delivered to your destination is really effective as it can be in your room waiting for you when you arrive. All my products are made out of cork which is completely unique. I think that the website could be developed more to work really well with more products added. My third touchpoint, the magazine and the shop advertisement was not as strong. I think the idea for the initial interaction concept is good because they are places where people are more likely to engage with the brand but the actual design of the poster and page is very weak and was rushed.

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